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Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Stop Press - Good televison programming is back!

Much cheered by the new series of
Look Around You on BBC2 last night - best described as a spoof on 70s and 80s science and education programming. That might not sound promising to you but trust me, it's a gem.
Eschewing the "Schools and Colleges" style of the
first series (look that up in your TV Cream front page if you can't remember. There will be a test on the links at the bottom), they've gone on to lampooning the early days of Tomorrow's World with the second.

The ever-informative and well written Londonist has
this post on a new series, Nathan Barley, starting next Friday on Channel 4.
OK, here's the credos - looking good, it's a collaboration between
Chris Morris (Blue Jam, Jam, The Day Today and Brass Eye etc.) and Charlie Brooker (TV Go Home, part of Zeppotron).

I note from the trailers, that Richard Ayoade who played Thornton Reed in the rather good Garth Marenghi's Darkplace is in that mix. Favourite quotes of Reed's:

"If he gets word of this, my arse is grass and he's got a lawnmower."

"I'd rather be dead and rained on!"

"I beg your pudding?"

"You've got a face like the proverbial."

Y'know he did law at Cambridge?

More: Excellent article on Nathan Barley from Warp Records with general info and introduction to the set-up, here, with more links to WarpFilm / Chris Morris work.

Two words. Watch it.

Also: Shoreditch Twat. Related? You knows it....


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